Smash the Crash

001- Embracing the Perimenopause Journey: Tips and Laughter to Smash the Crash

April 28, 2024 Melissa Hinman

Ever found yourself standing in a room wondering why you're there, or laughing to yourself because your own body seems to be conspiring against you with its own climate control issues? That's the perimenopause rollercoaster for you, and I'm Melissa Hinman, your guide and fellow traveler on this wild ride. On this episode of Smash the Crash, we're not just sharing war stories; we're building an arsenal of tips and tricks to help you reclaim your energy and revive that inner spark that perimenopause seems so keen on dampening.

Picture this: a tribe where thermostat wars and key-hunting expeditions are badges of honor, where laughter is our secret weapon against the onslaught of hot flashes and brain fog. Join us as we navigate through the midlife maze with grace and a good dose of humor, armed with the wisdom of our vibrant community. We're in it together, embracing every challenge and powering through this adventure, showing perimenopause who's really in control. So, if you're ready to transform exhaustion into exhilaration and confusion into clarity, tune in and let's rock this transition like the unstoppable forces we are.

FAN MAIL: Send a shout out and I'll mention you in our next recorded episode!

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Disclaimer: I am a registered nurse and health coach, but I am not a medical doctor. The information and recommendations provided during our coaching sessions are intended to support your overall health and wellness and are not a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your physician before making any changes to your medication, treatment plan, or if you have any concerns about your health.